Posts filed under ‘Just For Fun’

Hershey’s Better Basket Blog Hop For Children’s Miracle Network

Hershey’s has partnered with Children’s Miracle Network and this Easter Hershey’s will donate up to $5000 to CMN through the Better Basket Blog Hop campaign. It’s so easy to participate and will only take a few minutes of your time. Hershey’s will donate $10 per post up to 500 posts. When we are all done that will be $5000 raised for Children’s Miracle Network!

Here’s all you need to do.


* Create a blog post giving a virtual Easter Basket to another blogger – you can give as many Virtual Baskets as you want.
* Link back to person who gave you an Easter Basket.
* Let each person you are giving a Virtual Easter Basket know you have given them a Basket.
* Leave your link at comment section. You can also find the official rules of this #betterbasket blog hop, and more information about Better Basket with Hershey’s there.
* Hershey’s is donating $10 per each blog participating to the Better Basket Blog Hop to Children’s Miracle Network (up to total of $5,000 by blog posts written by April 4th, 2010).
* Please note that only one blog post by each blog url will count towards the donation.

I’m sending this Easter Basket to Lori and Becky, two great moms whom you should get to know.

You can follow the giving on Twitter using hashtag #betterbasket.

Thank you to Hershey’s for making a difference and giving us the chance to participate!

March 26, 2010 at 4:28 pm 5 comments

Blog Award Fun


This is my award. It is truly an honor to be thought of as a scrappy honest blogger! Thanks to Brandie for passing it on to me! I’m happy to pass it on to these 7 other bloggers whose blogs I have deemed worthy of this award:







Helen and Cindy


As part of my award acceptance speech, I am to list 10 honest things about me. So here goes:

  1. I am a night-owl and rarely make it to bed before midnight.
  2. If I could, I would sleep 10 hours a night.
  3. I don’t enjoy cooking. Too much time spent preparing and cleaning up for such a short amount of time spent enjoying it. Just don’t have the cooking gene!
  4. I am a neat freak who has learned to tame my obsessive cleanliness after having a baby and being married to a not-so-neat freak.
  5. I haven’t ruled out home-schooling, but am afraid I’m honestly too selfish with my time to actually do it.
  6. My dream has always been to be a fine artist (drawing/painting) and photographer and have my own at-home studio.
  7. I hate cold weather. Much prefer the AZ summers to CO winters!
  8. We named our daughter after President Ronald Reagan, our favorite President. It was a name my husband and I had both picked out individually before we even met!
  9. I would love to have another baby, but that ship has sailed.
  10. I spend WAY too much time on Facebook and Twitter.

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August 25, 2009 at 11:11 pm 6 comments

A half-hatched role-reversal takes flight on a wing and a prayer.

Life is a misadventure mixed with mayhem.




